How Product Development Helps a Business Truly Engage With Its Customers

The prime goal while delivering any product is customer satisfaction. There are three parameters to measure this – function, looks and price. The best balance of these three determines a successful product and the one that sells. Product development is a highly competitive market and without the right innovative mindset, there is no assurance whether […]

Blockchain: An Undeniable Opportunity to Revolutionize Business Operations

Blockchain development has gained immense popularity due to its wide range applications. The commercial significance of this technology is undeniable and it has generated interest in endless spectrums of business sectors. Blockchain technology relies on special data structures that can store anything with a worth or value. Every piece of information stored on the blocks […]

Happy 13!

It has been a decade & 13 years full of learnings, experiences, ups and downs, and some tremendous achievements. Roars is now what we had always wanted it to be. A premier product development and boutique branding agency which has swept clients off their feet with winning brands and mind-blowing products. This 4th of May, […]

How being a design-led business can spell success for a company?

Design in simple terms is the way you can visually connect with your audience. The design is not just limited to your product or website. It adds a generous dash of personalization in each and every function of business it touches. One of the best ways of understanding the importance of design in business is […]

Why UX-Driven Approach is Important for Earning Loyal Consumers?

Can UX help you create a loyal customer base for your product or service? Is a loyal consumer base even a truth or is it a myth, as is considered in today’s dynamic market scenario? Truth be told, the term loyal customers are still applicable and is going to be applicable for a long time […]

Walking into the Land of AI and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning have become buzz words in the technology arena, these days. As much as they are trending on Google searches and on various social media handles, AI and machine learning have certainly woven their presence into our lives way more than we can fathom. Think of some of the ways in which […]

Why Your Business Needs A Journey Map?

Our business is the sum total of an offering that we are passionate about and a need in the market that we are catering to. When these two factors shake hands, there you have it: a successful business. But is that true? Isn’t the competition in the market something to consider, too. There are others […]

People are Motivated by the Stories Your Brand Tells

We humans, need stories. Stories help us believe, build faith, and sometimes even take decisions during tough times. Storytelling begins at an early age and we build upon it throughout our youth and adult life. Given the importance of storytelling in our lives, are we using it enough, or at all in our effort to […]

Why Investing In An AI-Powered Platform Might Be A Good Idea?

AI has already made inroads to some of the biggest industries in the current day. Banks, healthcare, retail are some of the pioneers who are trying to make the most of this technology. Businesses are in some way embracing the idea of an AI-powered platform. Chatbots and analytics-driven recommendations are two such examples. So when […]

Should You Be Betting Your Money On Bitcoin?

So, which one should you be betting your money on: bitcoin or blockchain? These disruptive ideas are creating some real storm in the tech world. With bitcoin recently being an upsurge of over $17,000, it is pretty clear that it has caught more eyeballs and people in the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) phase want […]