BusinessProduct Development

Walking into the Land of AI and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning have become buzz words in the technology arena, these days. As much as they are trending on Google searches and on various social media handles, AI and machine learning have certainly woven their presence into our lives way more than we can fathom. Think of some of the ways in which AI and machine learning help us in our daily lives. You do not need IoT powered devices at home to realize the full benefit of these virtually mammoth technologies. Simple things in life, like your Google Map which tells you how long it will take you to reach your destination and its intelligent navigation that helps you avoid congestion, accidents and tells you to opt for a quicker route, are great examples of AI at work. Uber is yet again another example of AI and machine learning at work using the immense data that its algorithms are fed with, continuously, they create a great system of not only linking driver to riders but also calculating the fares at each point of time, depending on rush hours and availability of drivers. AI is one of the most complex answers to make optimization easy for mankind. Thankfully for us, the complexity lies in the machine part of it and not where AI meets humans, for this is the part which involves making lives for us humans, a cakewalk.

Is AI and Machine Learning the same?

Machine learning and AI are terms which are often used interchangeably. However, the two aren’t the same but are interdependent in certain ways. Here’s how: Artificial Intelligence is a machine’s way of mimicking human intelligence by running data through its algorithm. There are two ways in which AI can be created:
  • By feeding the algorithm with millions of complex codes and rules and decision trees to help it follow a logical pattern and mimic human decision making
  • By feeding it raw data which the machines process and assimilate to find patterns that help it mimic human behavior/ thinking
In the second instance, we are practically training the machine to mimic human behavior rather than programming it to do so. There are many approaches to machine learning, like:
  • Inductive Logic Programming
  • Clustering
  • Deep learning
  • Decision Tree Learning
  • Reinforcement learning
Among these, Deep Learning has an interesting take on it as it mimics the form of the human brain and how the human brain learns things. As you know, the human brain is made of nearly 100 billion neurons which interact with and layer upon each other to pass information and learn new skills. Deep learning matches this format and stores information about objects and skills at multiple levels and layers, rather than just a single layer of superficial learning. It mimics the human brain in this matter and as such provides similar results and decisions, as a human brain would. AI could exist without machine learning, but it would not be as effective or as human-like without the latter. Machine learning helps create what we can call organic AI instead of coding fed-AI. It helps AI develop, based on its own learning rather than the limited purview of coding induced learning. AI has not limited to smaller organizations anymore. More and more companies, small businesses, and even startups are trying to find out ways in which they can use machine learning and AI to differentiate their offerings from those of their competitors. Do you have an idea that can be optimized using AI and machine learning? Roars Technologies help you build an AI-powered app to provide a unique offering to your users. Contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation.

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About Author


Avinash is working with Roars since 6 Years and total experience is about 12+ Years in Project Management. His endless desire to learn new things developed his interest in product development. He likes to unwind by watching online series or reading when he is not working.