
Crafting digital experiences to help ambitious

Our Journal

Is your UI Color Theme Resonating With Your Client?

Is your UI Color Theme Resonating With Your Client?

The topic of choosing the right color for your app\'s UI is not a black & white one. We could on...

User Experience
Data Analytics – Precursor to Delightful CX

Data Analytics – Precursor to Delightful CX

Data analytics is not limited to big corporations and data warehousing, anymore. Business success fa...

Product DevelopmentUser Experience
IoT and its Effects on Mobile App Development

IoT and its Effects on Mobile App Development

Ever since the arrival of the term IoT (internet of things) in 1999, it has shown exponential growth...

Product Development
Designing a Loyalty Reward Program App

Designing a Loyalty Reward Program App

Recently we published a case study on a loyalty reward program app designed for our client, Samsung...

Product Development
3 Design Mistakes UX Designers Should Always Avoid (Our Team’s Take on the Matter)

3 Design Mistakes UX Designers Should Always Avoid (Our Team’s Take on the Matter)

Designing requires a great deal of attention and focus. To design a masterpiece, it is a must to hav...

GeneralStartupUser Experience
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – Brilliant Success Stories

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – Brilliant Success Stories

Despite the kind of boost an MVP can give to any startup, it is yet to gain enough traction i...

MVPProduct Development
The One Thing About MVP That No One Is Talking About

The One Thing About MVP That No One Is Talking About

You know about the concept of Minimum viable product and that it is a part of lean metho...

What is the Difference between User Experience and Customer Experience?

What is the Difference between User Experience and Customer Experience?

User experience and customer experience, often these two terms are used interchangeably. However, th...

Product DevelopmentUser Experience
If You Are a Startup Looking for Funding, You Need to Know This

If You Are a Startup Looking for Funding, You Need to Know This

Startup founders generally start their venture thinking of a way in which they can make a difference...

Product DevelopmentStartup

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